Saturday 14 March 2015

Learn English Essays Lession 1 to 5


I am a boy.
My name is Nikhil Mourya.
I am five years old.
I live at Lakhapat Colony in New Delhi.
I have one younger sister.
My father is a businessman.
My mother is a house-wife.
I get up early in the morning and go for a walk.
I read in UKG standard.
I study in M H Public School.
I go to school by school bus.
I am good at games and studies.
I do my homework regularly.
I am the monitor of my class.
I always stand first in my class.
I am loved by my parents and teachers.

Word Meaning:
1.Study-पढ़ता हूँ            2.Live-रहता हूँ 
3.Younger-छोटी            4.Homework-गृहकार्य 
5.Businessman-व्यापारी       6.Early-जल्दी 


The name of my father is Shri Ashok Kumar Mourya.
He is a businessman.
He is Thirty Four years old.
He is a kind-hearted man.
He never looses temper.
He leads a simple life.
He rises early in the morning and goes for a walk.
He always speaks the truth.
He believes in simple living and high thinking.
He looks after our family well.
He helps me in my studies.
He is a man of good habits.
He reads the Ramayana daily.
All my neighbours respect him.
I am proud of my father.
May he live long!

Word Meaning:
 1. Businessman-व्यापारी                            2. Simple- सादा 
 3. Kind-दयालु                                            4. Habits-आदतें 
 5. Believes-विस्वास                                    6. Neighbours-पड़ौसी


Smt. Priya Mourya is my mother.
She is a house-wife.
She is short and beautiful.
She looks after the house well.
She gets up early in the morning.
She cooks food for all of us.
She also helps me in my studies.
She takes pleasure in doing household work.
She is a religious and pious lady.
She goes to temple daily.
She is a kind-hearted woman.
She is always ready to help everybody.
My neighours admire her.
I love my mother and am proud of her.
May she live long!

Word Meaning:
 1. Beautiful-सुन्दर                              2. Cooks- पकाती है 
 3. Religious-धार्मिक                             4. Pious- पुण्यात्मा 
 5. Help-सहायता                                  


I have an elder sister.
Her name is Shivani.
She is tall and beautiful.
She studies in class X in Ramjas School.
She is never late to school.
She is quite good at studies.
She is the monitor of her class.
She obeys and respects her teachers and parents.
Her teachers also love her.
She completes her homework in time.
She is an all-rounder.
She has won several prizes in games competitions.
Her hobbies are singing and dancing.
She also helps me in my studies.
I love her very much.
May she live long!

Word Meaning:
1. Elder-बड़ी                             2. Tall-लम्बी 
3. Obey-आज्ञा                            4. Respect-सम्मान 
5. Prizes-ईनाम                           6. Hobby-मनपसंद 


I have an elder brother.
His name is Manish.
He is tall and handsome.
He gets up early in the morning.
He goes daily for his morning walk.
He studies in class XII in Manav Sthali School.
He is the head-boy of the school.
He is always regular and punctual to school.
He always stands first in his class.
He takes active participation in games also.
He has won many prizes for his school.
He is simple, honest and never wastes his time.
His hobbies are reading books and listening music.
He is very affectionate towards me.
He also helps me in my studies.
He is liked by all.
He has a very bright future.
I am proud to have a brother like him.

Word Meaning:
1. Elder-बड़ा                             2. Handsome-सुन्दर 
3. Daily-प्रतिदिन                          4. Participate-भाग लेना  
5. Wastes-बर्बाद करता है                6. Affectionate-सनेही  

7. Future-भविष्य                        8. Proud-गर्वित