Sunday 22 March 2015

Learn English Essays Lession 6 to 10


Sunil is my best friend.
He is tall and lean.
He studies with me in class III-A.
He is very intelligent and comes first in our class.
He is the monitor of our class.
He is good mannered and obeys his teachers and parents.
He is never late to school.
He always completes his work in time.
His clothes are neat and tidy.
He never wastes his time.
He is simple, honest and hard-working.
He neither hates anybody nor does he gets angry.
He is good at games also.
He is loved by his parents as well as teachers.
In my opinion, he is an ideal boy.

Word Meaning:
1. Tall-लम्बा                               2. Lean-पतला  
3. Intelligent-होशियार                  4. Obeys-आज्ञा पालन करना 
5. Honest-ईमानदार                       6. Hard-working-मेहनती   

7. Opinion-विचार                        8. Ideal-आदर्श   


It is my watch.
I got it as a birthday present.
It is very beautiful.
It is made in India.
Its strap is made of leather.
It is black in colour.
It has a golden dial.
Numbers from 1 to 12 are written on it.
It has three hands.
The big hand indicates minutes.
The small hand indicates hours.
The third hand which moves continuously shows seconds.
My watch runs on a battery.
It is very useful.
It always shows correct time.
I am never late for school.
I like my watch very much.

Word Meaning:
1. Watch-घडी                               2. Present-उपहार 
3. Hands-सुइयाँ                              4. Indicates-सूचित करती है 
5. Continuously-लगातार                 6. Useful-उपयोगी   

7. Correct-सही                        


My house is in Patel Nagar, New Delhi.
It is a four-storeyed building made of bricks, iron and cement.
It is situated in a good locality.
I live on the first floor.
It has three rooms.
One is a drawing room, second a bed room and other a store.
It has a kitchen, one toilet and one bathroom.
All the rooms are well-lighted and ventilated.
The walls of all the rooms are painted in beautiful colours.
The floors are made of marble tiles.
There are ceiling fans and almirahs in each room.
There are small balconies on both the sides.
We have planted some flower plants in the balconies.
I water them daily.
My mother keeps the house neat and clean.
I like my house very much.

Word Meaning:
1. Bricks-ईटे                                 2. Iron-लोहा   
3. Locality-मोहल्ला                         4. Room-कमरा 
5. Kitchen-रसोईघर                          6. Bathroom-स्नानघर    

7. Toilet-शौचालय                           8. Almirah-अलमारी 


My next door neighbour is Mr. Manoj.
He is a businessman.
He is very religious-minded.
He gets up early and goes to temple.
Then he goes for his morning walk.
He is a kind-hearted man and is friendly to all.
He never deceives others and is always available for help.
He is my father's friend.
So he loves me.
I also respect and obey him.
He is a highly practical and successful man.
Everybody has a good opinion about him.
In my opinion, he is a good neighbour.

Word Meaning:
1. Neighbour-पड़ोसी                                               

2. Religious-minded-धार्मिक विचारो वाला      
3. Deceives-धोखा देता है                                            

4. Successful-सफल 
5. Friendly-मित्रतापूर्ण                                               
6. Opinion-विचार    


Sonu is our servant.
He is twenty years old.
He is tall and healthy.
He belongs to Bihar.
He is very honest and faithful.
He does his work efficiently.
He gets up early in the morning.
He prepares food and waters the plants.
Then he cleans our house and irons our clothes.
He believes in God and worships Him.
He is illiterate and knows only to read and write his name.
He earns five hundred repees every month most of which he sends to his family.
He has served us for the past ten years.
He is very useful to us.
We all love him.

Word Meaning:
1. Servant-नौकर                                  2.Tall-लम्बा    
3. Faithful-स्वामिभक्त                             4. Prepare-बनाना  
5. Believes-मानता                                6. Illiterate-अनपढ़      

7. Useful-उपयोगी