Monday 13 April 2015

Learn English Essays Lession 16 to 20


The peacock is our national bird.
It is the most beautiful among the birds.
It has a blue body and thin legs.
It has a beautiful crown of wings on its head.
It has a long tail with colourful feathers.
On seeing black clouds in rainy season, it opens its feathers like a big fan and begins to dance.
It has a sweet voice.
It is big and does not fly very high.
It feeds on snakes and worms.
It is a social bird.
It is found in forests as well as cities.
It is hunted by some cruel people for its meat.
A ban should be put on its hunting.
It is loved by all.

Word Meaning:
1. National-रतिया                           2. Beautiful- सुन्दर         
3. Thin-पतली                                 4. Colourful-रंग-बिरंगे  
5. Feathers-पंख                             6. Crown-ताज    

7. Clouds-बादल  
                            8. Snakes-सांप    


It is my chair.
It is made of wood and cane.
It is brown in colour.
My father brought it from the furniture shop.
Its price is hundred rupees.
It has two arms, four legs and a back.
It has a seat which is made of crane.
It is well-polished.
The carpenter made it.
It is very comfortable to sit on.
I keep it in my study room.
I sit in it and study.
It is very useful to me.
I clean it everyday.
I like it very much.

Word Meaning:
1. Wood-लकड़ी                           2. Bought- खरीदी         
3. Price-कीमत                           4. Comfortable-आरामदायक 

5. Carpender-बढ़ई                      6. Useful-उपयोगी     
7. Everyday-प्रतिदिन   

Learn English Essays Lession 16 to 15

Learn English Essays Lession 11 to 15


It is my cow.
It is white in colours.
It has two horns, two ears, two eyes and four legs.
It has a long tail.
It has four teats.
It eats grass.
It is a useful animal.
It gives us calves.
They are useful in agriculture.
It gives us milk.
Its milk is very sweet and useful.
We make curd, butter, ghee and khoya from its milk.
The Hindus worship it and call it 'Gau Mata'.
I like my cow very much.
I am kind to it and feed it regularly.

Word Meaning:
1. Horns-सींग                                2. Teats-थन    
3. Tail-पूँछ                                    4. Calves-बछड़े  
5. Curd-दही                                  6. Butter-मक्खन    

7. Worship-पूजा करना                      


It is my dog.
Its name is Rocky.
It is of Pamerian breed.
Its colour is black.
It has a small body.
It has four legs, two ears, two eyes and a small tail.
It has beautiful black hair.
It eats bread and meat and licks milk.
It loves me and licks my feet when it sees me.
It always obeys me.
It is very faithful.
It guards our house at night.
On seeing the strangers, it begins to bark.
Every six months I take it to doctor for vaccination.
I am proud of my Rocky.

Word Meaning:
1. Bread-रोटी                                 2. Licks-चाटना       
3. Obeys-आज्ञा मानना                        4. Faithful-वफादार   
5. Guards-निगरानी करता है                   6. Strangers-अजनबी   

7. Vaccination-टीका 


It is a horse.
Its name is Badal.
It has a big body.
It has two eyes, two ears and a long hairy tail.
It has four strong legs and a long mouth.
Its height is about six feet.
It eats grass.
It can also eat vegetables, fruits and bread.
It runs very fast.
It loves its master very much.
It is always ready to serve him.
It is a useful animal.
It is used for riding.
In olden days it was used in wars.
Now it is also used in tongas.
It is a lovable animal.

Word Meaning:
1. Strong-मजबूत                            2. Grass-घास        
3. Master-मालिक                           4. Serve-सेवा करना   
5. Riding-सवारी                             6. Tonga-तांगा  

7. Lovable-प्यार करने योग्य 


It is my cat.
Its name is Pussy.
It is very beautiful.
It is brown in colour.
It has a hairy body.
It has two green eyes, two ears, four legs and a small tail.
It has whiskers under its nose.
It eats bread and biscuits and licks milk.
It is very active and alert.
It catches rats and kills them.
It is afraid of dogs.
It comes to me when I return from school.
It plays with the ball with me.
I love my Pussy very much.

Word Meaning:
1. Beautiful-सुन्दर                           2. Green-हरी         
3. Whiskers-मूँछ के बाल                    4. Active-चुस्त 
5. Alert-चौकन्ना                               6. Afraid-भयभीत   

7. Catch-पकड़ना 


It is an elephant.
It has a big and heavy body.
It has four long and thick legs.
It has  two large ears, two small eyes and a short tail.
It has a long trunk and two white tusks.
Its is greyish black in colour.
It eats sugarcane, twigs, trees and grain chapatis.
It draws up water by its trunk.
It is very intelligent and learns easily.
It is a useful servant to man.
It can carry heavy loads.
It is used for riding.

It also shows us many tricks in circus.
Formerly it used to be employed by army in battles.
It is the largest animal on land.
It is a gentle and lovable animal.

Word Meaning:1. Heavy-भारी                               2. Thick-मोटी         
3. Long-लम्बी                               4. Trunk-सूंड 
5. Tusks-हाथी के दांत                      6. Sugarcane-गन्ना   

7. Intelligent-समझदार                  8. Riding-सवारी   

9. Formerly-पुराने समय में