Thursday 21 May 2015

Learn Hindi to English Daily

Letter of the Day

आ (aa)
आप (aap) –  you (There are 3 different words for “you” in Hindi.  This is the most formal, and is grammatically plural even if it refers to one person.  If you do not know about the other versions of “You”, the this is the one that you should learn and use.)
आदर (aa-dar) – respect

Main Word

आप – you (formal)
आपका नाम क्या है? – What is your name?
आप कैसे हैं? – How are you?  (when asking a man or a group of people that include men)
आप कैसी हैं?  How are you? (when asking a woman or a group of all women)
आप कहाँ हैं? Where are you?
आप कहाँ रहते हैं?  Where do you live?  Where do you stay? (when asking a man or a group of people that include men)
आप कहाँ रहती हैं? Where do you live? Where do you stay? (when asking a woman or a group of all women)
आप कहाँ से हैं?  Where are you from?

Main Phrase of the day

आप कैसे हैं? – How are you? (when asking a man or a group of people that include men)
आप कैसी हैं? – How are you? (when asking a woman or a group of all women)
हम ठीक हैं। – We are OK.
मैं ठीक हूँ।  – I am OK.
मैं अच्छा हूँ।  I am good. (spoken by a man)
मैं अच्छी हूँ।  I am good. (spoken by a woman)
तुम is an informal version of “you”. This should be used only with close friends and people that are “junior” to you.
तुम कैसे हो?  How are you?  (when asking a man or a group of people that include men)
तुम कैसी हो? How are you? (when asking a woman or a group of all women)
तू is a very familiar form of you.  It is not recommended that you use this version.  This is sometimes used with children or servants.
तू कैसा है? How are you? (when asking a man or a group of people that include men)
तू कैसी है? How are you? (when asking a woman or a group of all women)

Grammar Review

Noun Adjective Agreement

Masculine Singular Nouns:

Feminine Singular Nouns:

By combining अच्छा with each of the nouns, we end up with:
अच्छा बेटा – good son
अच्छा कमरा – good room
अच्छा घर – good house
अच्छी बेटी – good daughter
अच्छी मेज़ – good table

Now try to do this same exercise with the other adjectives.  We will give you the answers on our next Learn Hindi Daily Show.  Also here are some previous lessons that you might be interested in:

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