Sunday 31 May 2015

विज्ञान शब्दावली-Science glossary

विज्ञान शब्दावली

Science glossary 

अणुmoleculeयह द्रव्य का वह सबसे छोटा कण है जिसमें किसी द्रव्य को विभाजित करने के वावजूद भी उस द्रव्य की रासायनिक पहचान अपरिवर्तित रहती है। अर्थात द्रव्य का सबसे छोटा कण जो रासायनिक अभिक्रिया में भाग लेता है।
अनुनादresonanceजब किसी कम्पन करने वाले तार, लकड़ी या किसी अन्य युक्ति की स्वाभाविक आवृति उससे लगे हुए वातावरण की आवृति के बराबर हो जाती है, उस अवस्था को अनुनाद कहते हैं।
अभिक्रियाreactionदो या अधिक रसायन मिलकर जब एक या अधिक भिन्न रसायन बनायें तो उसे रासायनिक अभिक्रिया कहते हैं।
अमिश्रimmiscibleजो आपस में मिलकर एक समान नहीं हो सकते
अल्कलीalkaliक्षारीय गुणों वाला पदार्थ
आक्सीकरणoxidizeमोटे तौर पर आक्सीजन के साथ किसी तत्व या यौगिक की अभिक्रिया को आक्सीकरण कहते हैं।
आयनionsAtoms that carry an electric charge, either positive or negative. If an atom gains an electron it takes on a negative charge. If the atom loses an electron it takes on a positive charge.
आर्द्रताhumiditythe amount of water vapor in the air.
आवेशchargethe state of an atom that has lost or gained an electron.
आसवनcondensationwhen a substance changes state from a gas to a liquid.
इमल्सनemulsiontiny droplets of one liquid floating in another liquid, such as oil droplets floating in water.
उत्प्लावन बलbuoyancythe ability to float, or in more technical terms
उर्जाenergythe name given to the ability to do work.
एलेक्ट्रानelectronsa negatively charged subatomic particle. Electrons are found at varying distances from a atom's nucleus. They make up almost the entire volume of a atom but only account for a small part of the atom's mass. Compare to protons.
कारबन डाई आक्साइडcarbon dioxidea heavy colorless gas that does not support combustion, dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, is formed in animal respiration and in the decay or combustion of animal and vegetable matter, and is absorbed from the air by plants in photosynthesis.
कोण्डा प्रभावcoanda effectdescribed by Henri Coanda, a Romanian scientist, in the 1930's. This effect describes the tendency of moving air of fluids to follow the nearby curved or inclined surface.
अम्लacidखट्टा स्वाद वाला, धातुओं तथा अन्य को गलाने में सक्षम, लाल लिटमस कागज को नीला कर देता है, क्षार का बिलोम
क्षारbasea bitter tasting substance (and often slimy)
गुरुत्वgravitythe attractive central gravitational force exerted by a celestial body such as earth.
घनत्वdensitythe ratio of the mass of a body to its volume, usually expressed as its specific gravity.
घर्षणfrictionthe resistance that occurs when two objects rub together.
चालकconductora thing that transmits heat, electricity, light, sound or other form of energy.
चुम्बकत्वmagnetismthe force that electric currents exert on other electric currents.
जड़त्वinertiathe tendency of a body to remain at rest or stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force.
टर्बाइनturbinepronounced TUR bihn or pronounced TUR byn, is a device with a rotor turned by a moving fluid, such as water, steam, gas, or wind. A turbine changes kinetic energy (energy of movement) into mechanical energy (energy in the form of mechanical power).
ट्रान्सफ़ार्मरtransformera device that changes the voltage of electricity.
डेसीबेलdecibela unit of measurement for sound, it measures the loudness or volume of the sound waves.
तड़ितlighteninga powerful flash of electricity between the negative electrical charges in clouds or between a cloud and the ground.
तत्वelementa basic chemical substance in which all the atoms are the same, and different from the atoms of any other substance.
दाबpressurethe application of a steady force upon another object.
दाबमापीbarometera device used to measure the pressure of the atmosphere. The barometer unit of measure is called millibars.
द्रब्यमान/संहतिmassoften defined as the amount of matter in an object. Note that mass and weight are not the same thing. Weight is the force on an object due to the gravitational pull of a planet or other heavenly body. Mass on the other hand, remains constant, no matter where it is.
द्वीतियक बैटरीsecondary batterya battery that can be recharged.
परमाणुatomsकिसी पदार्थ का सबसे छोटा कण जो बिना परिवर्तित हुए किसी रासायनिक क्रिया में भाग ले सकता है। परमाणु के केन्द्र में नाभिक होता है जिसमें प्रोटान और न्यूट्रान होते हैं, तथा एलेक्ट्रान इस नाभिक के चारो ओर चक्कर लगाते हैं।
परावर्तनrefractionthe bending of a wave path, as of light or sound, at the boundary between two different mediums.
परिपथcircuitthe path followed by an electric current. Electricity must flow in a circuit to do useful work.
प्राणवायु/आक्सीजनoxygena colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that is the most plentiful element in the Earth's crust. It was discovered in 1772 by Swidish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele.
प्रेरणinductionthe process by which an object having electrical or magnetic properties produces similar properties in a nearby object, usually without direct contact.
प्रोटानprotonsa positively charged subatomic particle. Protons, along with other subatomic particles called Neutrons, make up the nucleus of a atom. The number of protons in an atom is called the atomic number of the element. Compare to electrons.
बर्नौली प्रभावbernoulli effectdescribed by Swiss mathmetician Daniel Bernoulli in 1738. Bernoulli's theorem (sometimes called the Venturi effect) implies that a decrease in fluid pressure is associated with an increase in the fluid's velocity (speed). It's the basics for aircraft wing design explaining that air flowing over the upper, curved part of the wing moves faster than the air on the underside of the wing so that the pressure underneath is greater and hence causes lift.
बैटरीbatterya device that produces electricity by means of chemical reaction. A battery consist of one or more units called electric cells. Each cell has all the chemicals and parts needed to produce an electric current.
भारweightthe force on an object due to the gravitational pull of a planet or other heavenly body.
रासायनिक अभिक्रियाchemical reactiona process by which one substance is chemically converted to another. Chemical reactions involve the formation or destruction of bonds between atoms.
वायुमण्डलatmosphereपृथ्वी के चारो ओर हवा का घेरा; पृथ्वी के निकट यह घना है और ज्यों-ज्यों उपर चलते जाते हैं यह विरल होते-होते बाहरी अन्तरिक्ष में निर्वात (वायु-विहीन) हो जाता है।
वायुवेगमापीanemometerएक युक्ति जो हवा की चाल मापने के काम आती है।
विद्युत अपघटनelectrolysissplitting a substance into the separate chemicals that make it up, by passing an electric current through it.
विद्युत जनित्रdynamoa device that creates electricity by turning around a magnet near a coil of wire.
विद्युत धाराcurrentthe movement or flow of electric charges
विद्युत धाराelectric currentsee current.
विभवpotentialthe amount of electrification of a point with reference to some standard.
विशिष्ट घनत्वspecific gravitythe ratio of the density of a body to the density of water, the latter being taken as unity.
विसरणosmosisthe natural passage or diffusion of water (or other liquids) through a semi permeable membrane.
वोल्टताvoltagedifferences in potential (or electric state) related to the electrical forces that 'push' charges through a conductor. Can be thought of as the pressure which pushes electricity through a wire.
संधारित्रcapacitora device that stores electric energy in the form of an electric charge.
संवेगmomentumthe speed or force of something that is moving.
सूक्ष्म नलिका प्रभावcapillary actionthe tendency of liquids to move into or out of tiny, hairlike passages.
सेल्सियसCelsiusa unit of measurement for temperature. Water freezes at 0°C (zero degrees Celsius) and boils at 100°C (100 degrees Celsius).
स्थिर विद्युतstatic electricitydescribes the situation where objects carry a charge.
हिमांकfreezing pointthe temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid. Increased pressure usually raises the freezing point.

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